A Better world is Possible
Let’s build it from the inside out.

You are a dreamer and a rebel.
You do things your way or you do not do them.
You are changing the world for the better.
With success.
And yet… You often feel lonely, overwhelmed, and stuck.
Translating your DREAMS INTO REAL IMPACT can be difficult.
You can lose connection with yourself, your mission, and your people.
You know you cannot do it alone.
I help you RECONNECT.
Sometimes as your advisor,
Sometimes as a mirror, a coach, or a therapist.
Other times as a facilitator, working with your team and partners.
"Stephan is gifted at getting people to work well together - remotely and in-person. I've learned so much about facilitation from his leadership."

Trusted Advisor
Tailor-made processes and spaces so social impact leaders can increase their impact without burning out.
Create the enabling conditions so you and your team can become more and more impactful.

I co-founded Radical Inclusion in 2009. We offer online facilitation, remote team development and support transition processes towards hybrid and fully remote work.