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Therapeutic Coaching for Leaders
Who Dare to Heal the World

Learn how to cultivate Emotional and Mental Balance

You're a successful entrepreneur or executive. Maybe you already support a cause, maybe you're thinking about it.


Either way, you've achieved results that most people only dream about.


But something is missing and this hole in your life often makes you stressed and reactive.


You know that when you're stressed and reactive, you make bad decisions that cost money and impact, and damage relationships.


If this describes you, we can explore working together.


You may be dealing with anxiety or emotional stress. Or there seems to be an invisible ceiling on the income and impact you can create. Or you have stress in your professional and private relationships.

Perhaps you also know that there is some childhood wound that needs to be healed, or you want to connect with your spiritual self.


Whatever the symptom, you know that these are signs that you have barely scratched the surface of what you can achieve.

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.

-Lao Tzu

​Imagine how you would show up in the world, what you would create if you could let go of all those stories and beliefs that limit you.


The stories that curb your sense of self-worth, your ability to create, to act on your ideas. The beliefs that stop you from standing up for what you know to be true, from creating the life you want.


What if you could let go of the inner voices that tell you that you are not good enough, that you can only be someone if you are accepted by those around you? The voices that tell you that the world is better off when you hide your power?


What if you could let go of stuckness and resistance and simply flow?

Flowing with life instead of fighting your way through

All of us accumulate a lot of baggage as we move through life. How we internalize life's experiences, conditions whom we become. 


While some experiences can lead us to develop helpful beliefs and allow us to excel in some areas of life, others become blocks for our development and success. 


The Spiral is a powerful transformational process for clearing the emotional baggage and conditioning that stops you from expressing your true authentic selves. 


As you start to shed the baggage (that you may have held onto for years), you begin to move through the world in a lighter and easier way. Without your stories dictating what you can and cannot do, there is less resistance and self-sabotage. It becomes easier to live in the present moment, let go of the past, and step into your true authentic self.

How does it work?

The Spiral combines frameworks from Spiral Dynamics, David Hawkins ‘Scale of Consciousness’, and the Chakra system, to identify and release emotional baggage that may be holding you back and preventing you from living to your full potential. Practitioners use the muscle-testing tool (from kinesiology) during the process, and work through the following themes:​

  1. Deserving – releasing SHAME & GUILT – increasing SELF-WORTH

  2. Creativity – releasing FEAR & GRIEF – increasing PROACTIVITY

  3. Power – releasing ANGER – increasing SELF CONFIDENCE

  4. Openness – releasing WOUNDS OF THE HEART – increasing LOVE

  5. Expression – releasing LOW SELF-ESTEEM & ANXIETY- increasing EXPRESSION

  6. Vision – releasing OLD VIEWS – increasing CLARITY

  7. Purpose – aligning to your STILLNESS and DIVINITY

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.

-Lao Tzu

​Imagine how you would show up in the world, imagine what you would create if you could let go of all those limits.


The stories that curb your sense of self-worth, your ability to create, to act on your ideas. The beliefs that stop you from standing up for what you know to be true, from creating the life you want.


What if you could let go of the inner voices that tell you that you are not good enough, that you can only be someone if you are accepted by those around you? The voices that tell you that the world is better off when you hide who you really are?


What if you could let go of stuckness and resistance and simply flow?

Flowing with life instead of fighting your way through

All of us accumulate a lot of baggage as we move through life. How we internalize life's experiences conditions whom we become. 


While some experiences can lead us to develop helpful beliefs and allow us to excel in some areas of life, others become blocks to our development and success. 


The Spiral is a powerful transformational process for clearing the emotional baggage and conditioning that stops you from expressing your true authentic selves. 


As you start to shed the baggage (that you may have held onto for years), you begin to move through the world in a lighter and easier way. Without your stories dictating what you can and cannot do, there is less resistance and self-sabotage. It becomes easier to live in the present moment, let go of the past, and step into your true authentic self.

How does it work?

The Spiral combines frameworks from Spiral Dynamics, David Hawkins ‘Scale of Consciousness’, and the Chakra system, to identify and release emotional baggage that may be holding you back and preventing you from living to your full potential. We use muscle-testing (from kinesiology) to locate the blockages during the process, and work through the following themes:​

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  1. Deserving – releasing SHAME & GUILT – increasing SELF-WORTH

  2. Creativity – releasing FEAR & GRIEF – increasing PROACTIVITY

  3. Power – releasing ANGER – increasing SELF CONFIDENCE

  4. Openness – releasing WOUNDS OF THE HEART – increasing LOVE

  5. Expression – releasing LOW SELF-ESTEEM & ANXIETY- increasing EXPRESSION

  6. Vision – releasing OLD VIEWS – increasing CLARITY

  7. Purpose – aligning to your STILLNESS and DIVINITY

Step into a new level of leadership

Do you want to find out what the Spiral process can do for you?

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